Homesearch delivers comprehensive information on every single property in the UK to Estate agents and property investors, helping them sell and let with confidence.
A new brand strategy demanded a new webspace that set a branding style in place and explained the key ways in which home search can help the property community.
An emphasise on the tools on offer and how each section of the platform can be used to increase house sales and support agency owners was key to make the website a strong asset for the home search sales and marketing team.
The biggest challenge was ensuring the complexity of home search property data wouldn’t make it easy for users to overlook the range of data on offer and how home search is unique compared to other property portals.
The site needed an aggressive signup procedure more aligned with new-age platforms and apps versus traditional property portals. It was evident that once a user experienced the key tools the majority of users would understand the value of the platform, it was imperative to get potential customers to commit to the platform to gain access to home search.
The core value of the platform comes from the data and how it is fused with a user-friendly system, Homesearch is so much more than another property portal to search for houses, this needed to be clearly conveyed in the branding.
By integrating the main signup field into the main homepage header this utilised a direct marketing approach. Suggesting business names based on homesearch’s database of top estate agency’s, this would boost social proof to build upon the reputation built up through word of mouth.
“The integrated header signup field utilised a direct marketing approach leveraging social proof to encourage user commitment”
Every page is designed to inform the user on the power of the platform and the tenacious tools on offer to grow the user’s agency and house sales, call to actions were intentionally place on each page to effortlessly lead the user to book a demo or signing up no matter what page they click on.
The single line illustration APPROACH was chosen to convey a clean app Style
Slick line illustrations and vibrant colour pallet support data driven values while setting the site apart from other established property portals.